Faculty & Staff

Brealle Davis

Director of Campus Activities; Interim Campus Minister

McMahan Student Center
Contact via email

Brealle Davis serves in a variety of roles at Milligan including Director of Campus Activities, Campus Minister, and Resident Director of Hart Hall. With a bachelor’s degree in Youth and Family Ministry, Master of Divinity in Christian Ministries, and numerous years of campus leadership experience, Brealle brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her various roles on campus.

As Director of Campus Activities, Brealle oversees a wide range of programs and events that promote student engagement and community building. She works closely with student organizations and areas on campus to plan and execute events such as Welcome Week, Wonderful Wednesday, and everything in between. Brealle is committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive campus culture where students can develop meaningful connections and explore their interests.

As Campus Minister, Brealle provides spiritual guidance and support to students, faculty, and staff. She coordinates with students to plan chapel services and small groups, lead various ministry clubs and events, and offers pastoral care to those in need. Brealle is passionate about helping students deepen their faith and develop a strong sense of purpose and calling.