- Locals named to Milligan College's Dean's List February 04, 2005
- IMPACT Ministries International Director speaks at Milligan February 03, 2005
- Milligan and JRT present “A Midsummer Night's Dream” February 01, 2005
- Downtown gallery features Milligan students' art January 31, 2005
- Study of area homeless will help bring aid to needy January 24, 2005
- Renowned performer Claudia Stevens to present musical drama on Holocaust January 24, 2005
- Milligan welcomes new occupational therapy professor January 21, 2005
- Milligan asks region for examples of servant leadership January 19, 2005
- Milligan to install endowed chairs honoring faculty January 18, 2005
- Milligan campus to spend day in service honoring MLK Jr. January 14, 2005
- Milligan international students share their culture with elementary kids January 14, 2005
- Milligan helps send medicine to tsunami victims January 14, 2005
- Local elementary school holds photography exhibit at Milligan January 13, 2005
- ALM to hold first Ladies Conference: Becoming a woman of Love, Truth and Power January 13, 2005
- Considering a career change? January 11, 2005