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Milligan hosts Create Conference for counselors on Sept. 3

Overview of Gregory Center

MILLIGAN, Tenn. (Aug. 29, 2024) — Milligan University will host the second annual Create Conference on Tuesday, Sept. 3, in the Gregory Center from 3 to 6:45 p.m.

The Create Conference is a mental health counseling conference focused on research, employment, advocacy, training and education for counselors. The conference includes research presentations, a career fair and a keynote speaker.

Dr. Aaron Hymes, associate professor of counseling and head of the addictions counseling concentration in Milligan’s counseling program, will provide the keynote lecture.

Hymes’ lecture, “Trauma-Informed Supervision: Navigating the Maze of Support,” will be held in the McGlothlin-Street Theatre in the Gregory Center at 5:15 p.m.

This lecture focuses on the implementation of trauma-informed care within the supervision of counselors and counselors-in-training, particularly those with lived experiences of trauma.

Trauma-informed care involves understanding the unique needs and challenges individuals may face, developing the skills necessary to identify signs of trauma, and providing appropriate support.

“Trauma-informed supervision is highly relevant to the courses I teach on diagnosis, addiction training and clinical internships,” shares Hymes. “Understanding trauma’s impact on mental health allows counselors to provide more accurate assessments and diagnoses, particularly in clients with substance use disorders. Additionally, trauma-informed principles help future counselors recognize the role trauma plays in the development and perpetuation of addiction, which is crucial for effective treatment.”

Hymes will also discuss the importance of using trauma-informed supervision with counselors-in-training during their internships to help ensure the counselors are supported in a way that acknowledges their own potential trauma history, promoting a safer and more effective learning environment.

Hymes is a licensed professional counselor and mental health service provider, a board-approved clinical supervisor, and certified master addictions counselor with over a decade of professional experience. He received his doctorate in counselor education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, his master’s degree in counseling and human development from Lindsey Wilson College, and his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Concord University.

For more information and to register for the conference, visit

Posted by Greer, Allie E on August 29, 2024.