General Requirements: Milligan offers several degree programs in which the curriculum is intended to prepare students for professional licensure in a particular field of study. Each of the following programs provide specific information about the states in which the curriculum meets or does not meet the licensure requirements, and those states in which a determination has not been made.
Direct Requirements: If Milligan determines that a program’s curriculum does not meet the state educational requirements for licensure or certification in which a student who is currently enrolled is located, the institution will provide written notice to that effect within 14 calendar days of making such a determination. Milligan will also provide the student or applicant with current contact information for the applicable licensing boards. Milligan will determine the state a student is located at the time of the student’s initial enrollment unless a student formally submits a change of address to the registrar’s office.
Degree Programs leading to Professional Licensure and links to specific licensure information for each program: