Seeger Chapel steeple against an orange sunset

Milligan College professors receive fellowships

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (July 14, 2003) – Two Milligan College professors, Craig Farmer and Jeff Miller, received fellowships from the Appalachian College Association. The fellowships financially assist in their academic enrichment and professional development.

Craig Farmer, associate professor of history and humanities, received $20,000 in fellowships to research and write a book on the religious debates regarding the swearing of oaths in 16th century Europe. This summer Farmer is collecting research in Germany, and he will be on sabbatical during the next year to continue his research and writing.

Jeff Miller, assistant professor of Bible, received $3,000 in fellowships to complete and defend the dissertation, “Textual Criticism and the Epistle of James: An Experiment in Methodology,” for a doctorate degree from the joint program of the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology.

The Appalachian College Association is an organization of 34 independent liberal arts colleges committed to enhancing opportunities for higher education and the quality of learning in the Appalachian region of Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. The association provides human, financial and information services to members who share a commitment to student enrichment, community service and regional advancement.

The member colleges and universities of the Appalachian College Association bring together the knowledge of a combined faculty of more than 3,000 scholars and serve more than 37,000 students across the United States and from several foreign countries, concentrating the bulk of their services in the Appalachian region.

For more information, visit

Posted by on July 14, 2003.