Transportation Release
My son/daughter (named above) has my permission to travel with the Milligan Summer Camp on camp-related activities. I understand that he/she will be traveling in a private car, a Milligan College vehicle, or a rented van. I release Milligan College, its staff, and adult volunteers from my liability in case of an accident. I give my permission for trip leaders to take my student to a doctor or hospital and authorize medical treatment, including but not limited to emergency surgery, and will assume the responsibility for medical bills, if any. I understand that I will be contacted if at all possible and that our family physician will be contacted if possible. But, in the event that he/she cannot be reached, Milligan College may choose a reputable physician.
Photo Release
I give my permission for my student's photo to be used (no names will be attached) on the Milligan College websites and/or in other printed materials.
Release and Hold Harmless Agreement
We ask the person attending the conference and his/her parents/legal guardians to accept responsibility and assume all risk connected with attending the Milligan Summer Camp. We release Milligan College from any and all claims, liability, and/or causes of action which we might have growing out of, arising from, or connected to the attendance of the Milligan Summer Camp; we agree to hold harmless Milligan College from any liability which might arise from our attendance of the camp/conference, whether said liability is to us or to some third person who might have a claim, right, or cause of action arising from, growing out of, or related to our attendance of the Milligan Summer Camp.
Please note: Your completion of the information below indicates your permission and release for your student's participation.