Seeger Chapel steeple against an orange sunset

Former IBM exec to speak at MBA luncheon

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (February 16, 2005) — Milligan College will kick off the beginning of its third MBA cohort this Saturday with a special luncheon featuring Herb Miller, assistant dean and director of student affairs and external corporate relations at the University of Texas at Austin.

Miller spent 21 years in sales, management and international marketing positions with IBM, where he received various marketing achievement awards and was ranked in the top two percent of the management development class.

As a consultant, Miller works with many U.S. and international companies, including Dell Corporation, General Mills, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, BMW of North America, and many others. He researches and lectures on topics relating to sales management, international marketing, customer satisfaction, and global marketing strategies.

Since 1994, Miller has taught at the University of Texas College of Business Administration and Graduate Business School Executive Education Program. The American Marketing Association recently named him the University of Texas Marketing Professor of the Year.

Milligan’s Master of Business Administration is an 18-month program designed for working professionals. It meets one weekend a month, with on-going Internet-based instruction. The program features a leading-edge curriculum rooted heavily in an emphasis on business ethics from a Christian perspective.

For more information about Miller’s visit or the Milligan College MBA program, call 423.461.8306 or visit


Posted by on February 26, 2005.