Seeger Chapel steeple against an orange sunset

Milligan’s Alpha Chi chapter named Star Chapter

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (July 1, 2004) — Milligan College’s chapter of Alpha Chi has been named a Star Chapter by Alpha Chi, the national college honor scholarship society. This honor is awarded to only 15 percent of Alpha Chi’s over 300 chapters.

Among the criteria for this award are inducting members locally, sending at least one faculty member and one student to the regional or national convention during the award year, having at least one student presentation on the convention program, nominating at least one student for a national Alpha Chi fellowship or scholarship, and sponsoring at least one on-campus program in promotion of scholarship.

Alpha Chi is a general honor society that admits students from all academic disciplines. Membership is limited to the top 10 percent of an institution’s juniors and seniors. There are more than 11,000 members inducted annually throughout the United States.

There are 39 students in Milligan’s chapter of Alpha Chi.

Posted by on June 1, 2004.