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Bible Bowl tournament at Milligan College draws hundreds of kids from across the nation

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (May 28, 2004) —Hundreds of young people from the region as well as across the nation have spent months studying Scripture from the Bible to compete in the summer conference Bible Bowl held at Milligan College June 6-9.

Over 250 participants, youth ministers and team leaders make up the 44 teams. The Bible Bowl competition promotes fun fellowship while learning Scripture. Bible Bowlers compete by answering questions accurately and quickly. All questions for the quizzing program are about the Bible. Winners in certain categories will receive Bible Bowl college scholarships upon admission to Milligan College.

Five Milligan students serve as directors of Bible Bowl: Randall Moore, a sophomore communications major from Worthington, Ohio; Ashley Rolston, a junior math major from Louisville, Ky.; Julie Roche, a junior pre-med biology major from Cass City, Mich.; Brian Rossen, a sophomore communications major from Dallas, Texas; and Austin Turner, a pre-med biology major from Franklin, Tenn. They are all former Bible Bowl members and have worked for months organizing and preparing questions for the Bible Bowlers.

“My goal is to put on the best college Bible Bowl tournament of the summer and to give back to the Bible Bowl program by doing everything I can to help provide a fun and competitive tournament,” said Roche.

Rossen, who has been involved with Bible Bowl since the sixth grade, agrees.

“The churches that come to Milligan’s Bible Bowl tournament find it to be one of the most fun and enjoyable college tournaments during the summer. Being involved as a director allows me to help ensure that the tournament will be a great time for everyone who comes,” said Rossen.

In addition to competing in Bible Bowl, Bible Bowlers will experience college life by living in the dorms and eating in the cafeteria. They will also enjoy sports, swimming, and some local activities.

“We have about twice as many teams coming as we did last year. Young people are committed to the program and study a tremendous amount of text,” said Nathan Flora, campus minister at Milligan College.

This is the 40th year for Bible Bowl. Each year hundreds of teams all around the United States study over the course of a 10-11 month period. Teams compete monthly on a local level. There are several summer tournaments held at Christian colleges during the weeks leading up to the National Tournament. At the end of the year, many of these teams travel to the National Bible Bowl Tournament held June 28- July 2 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Top achievers are awarded trophies and scholarships to Christian and Bible colleges.

For more information about Bible Bowl, please contact Nathan Flora, Milligan College campus minister, at 423.461.8748 or at or visit .

Posted by on May 28, 2004.