Seeger Chapel steeple against an orange sunset

Milligan College holds free early childhood conference for faith-based centers a

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (April 5, 2004) — Milligan College will hold a reception and mini-conference for faith-based early childhood programs on Tuesday, April 27, at 6 p.m. in Derthick Hall. Admission is free and open to employees, parents and volunteers of faith-based early childhood education programs.

The conference is designed to bring members of the faith-based early childhood community together for collaboration and learning. Workshops include “Accreditation: You Can Do It,” “Kindergarten: The Next Step for Your Children,” “Using Biblical Lessons to Change Learners’ Lives,” “Serving Young Children with Special Needs,” and “Starting an Early Childhood Program.”

In addition to a panel of local kindergarten teachers, guest speakers include Dr. Beverly Schmalzried, chair of education and professor of education at Milligan; Dr. Billye Joyce Fine, director of teacher education and professor of education at Milligan; Dr. Norma Morrison, professor of education at Milligan College; and graduate interns from Milligan College.

“Cultural transitions, changing families, and phenomenal technological transformations are providing daily challenges for programs that serve young children. The goal of this event is to help other faith-based programs prepare children for success and fulfillment in the future,” said Schmalzried.

Registration deadline is April 16. For more information, please call 423-461-8940 or 423-461-8927.

Posted by on April 5, 2004.